Review: My Animals and Other Animals by Bill Bailey

Acclaimed comedian Bill Bailey takes us well behind the scenes and into his other life as an animal lover in his memoir My Animals and Other Animals. (The title, of course, being a play on My Family and Other Animals. ) The stories are many, and mostly self-contained, telling the stories of beloved family pets (or should that be family members,) and various amusing encounters with animals as he travels across the globe. This book is a lot of fun. It is also fairly short and given the size of the font and spacing I'm a little surprised that publisher Hachette decided to print it as a trade paperback. The other unfortunate part of the book is that it isn't terribly memorable. I remember many of the stories made me laugh, but I actually remember very little of them. Still, it was a great way to spend an afternoon and one that I would recommend as a fun book to read between more serious reads or if you are in need of cheering up. Recommended.